Terms of Service

Last updated on 6 May 2024


Namirasoft Account (referred to as the “Service”) is owned and provided by Namira Software Corporation (referred to as “Namira Software Corporation”/”Namirasoft”/“we”/“us”/”our”).
The Terms of Service (referred to as the “Terms”) described here set out the rights and obligations of the Namirasoft Account users. We recommend you read them very carefully before using the Service.

1. Acceptance of Terms of Service

By accessing and using the Service, you consent to these Terms, as well as our Privacy Policy regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of your information.
If you disagree with any part of these Terms, you must not use the Service.

2. Ownership

The Service and its entire content, features, and functionality are owned by Namira Software Corporation and are protected under International Copyright laws. Under no circumstances will you acquire any ownership rights or other interests through your use of the Service.
Namira Software Corporation, the Namira Software Corporation logo, the Namirasoft Account logo, and all related names, logos, and designs are trademarks of Namira Software Corporation and are protected under relevant trademark laws. Under no circumstances must you use such marks for any purpose without our prior written consent.

3. Age Restriction

We do not provide this Service for users aged under 18 years old. If we become aware of a user under 18 years having access to the Service, we will delete the associated account and all its information right away. If you are aware of a user under 18 having access to the Service, notify us at support@namirasoft.com.

4. Limited License

Subject to these terms, we grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-assignable, and non-transferable license to use this Service under these Terms and for lawful, non-commercial entertainment purposes. You agree not to use the Service for any unlawful purpose or any purpose prohibited by these Terms. Particularly, you must not reproduce, distribute, modify, or create derivative works of any part of the Service. 

5. Using the Service

5.1. Registration

To access and use the Service, you are required to register for an account. When you register for an account, you must provide us with certain personal/sensitive information that must be accurate, complete, and current.

5.2. Services/Products Connected to the Service

Members may have access to several services/products (websites/applications/etc.) provided by us. By accessing and using any of them, you consent to its Terms of Service. We encourage you to read the Terms of Service of any such service/product before using it.

5.3. Prohibited Activities

All of your visits to your account generate a log that enables us to monitor and record your visit details to detect any prohibited actions or activities. Actions and activities that are prohibited by these Terms are:

  • Creating and using multiple accounts
  • Using the Service for or in connection with unlawful activities
  • Using any device, software, or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Service, including but not limited to viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful
  • Creating a new account and using the Service, if you have been previously banned
  • Reproducing, distributing, modifying, or creating derivative works of any part of the Service
  • Selling, transferring or assigning your account or account rights

If your account gets banned, you may no longer access your account and the services/products connected to it.

5.4. Account Deletion

You may request for your account to get deleted. After you submit your request, we will review your request and delete your account. 

Notice that we may retain part of your information for some time after your account has been deleted. Please read our Privacy Policy for further clarification.

6. Banned Account

If your account on Namirasoft Account has been banned due to violations of our Terms of Service:

  • Initiate the process of recovering your account by contacting our support team via support@namirasoft.com and provide details about the issue.
  • Upon receiving your request, our support team will conduct a thorough investigation into the reasons behind the account ban. This may involve reviewing account activity, communications, and any relevant information provided by you.
  • Upon receiving your request, our support team will conduct a thorough investigation into the reasons behind the account ban. This may involve reviewing account activity, communications, and any relevant information provided by you.

7. Account Security

Only you are responsible for the security and confidentiality of your password and all personal information associated with your account. If you learn about unauthorized access to your account, you must notify us immediately at support@namirasoft.com. However, you will remain responsible for the consequences of unauthorized access.

8. Privacy Policy

Please read our Privacy Policy regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of information from our users when they use the Service.

9. Modification/Suspension/Termination

We reserve the right to modify or suspend the Service, in whole or in part, at any time, at our sole discretion, for any reason, and without liability to you. We also reserve the right to terminate the Service at any time, at our sole discretion, for any reason, and without liability to you.

10. Disclaimer of Warranties

Your use of the Service and any services or items obtained through it is at your own risk. The Service is provided to you “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” and with all faults and defects without warranty of any kind. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, Namira Software Corporation expressly disclaims all warranties, whether expressed, implied, statutory or otherwise, concerning the Service, including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement, and warranties that may arise out of the course of dealing, course of performance, usage or trade practice.
Without limitation to the foregoing, Namira Software Corporation provides no warranty or undertaking, and makes no representation of any kind, expressed or implied, that: (i) the Service will be available to you at all times; (ii) the information provided through the Service will be accurate, reliable, and current; (iii) the Service will meet your requirements or achieve any intended results; (iv) the Service will operate properly and without interruption, meet any performance or reliability standards, or be free of errors or that any errors or defects can or will be corrected; or (iv) the Service, its servers, or Emails sent from or on behalf of us are free of viruses, scripts, trojan horses, worms, malware, timebombs or other harmful components.

11. Limitations of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will Namira Software Corporation be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, loss of information, loss of profits, loss of revenues, loss of business or savings, loss of privacy, any personal injury, pain or suffering and emotional distress), arising out of or in connection with your use or inability to use the Service or services connected to it, provided by Namirasoft or any third party, even if Namirasoft or its service providers have been advised of the possibility of such damages and even if the remedy fails of its essential purpose.

12. Future Changes to the Terms

We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms at any time with or without notice. All changes are effective immediately when we post them and will apply to the use of the Service. Your continued use of the Service will be deemed to confirm your agreement with the new Terms. You are expected to check this page from time to time so that you are aware of any changes, as they are binding on you.
If you do not agree with any part of the new Terms, you must stop using the Service.

If you have any questions, comments, or complaints about these Terms, contact us at support@namirasoft.com.